Wilderness designation equals worthless designation
More wilderness equals more worthless public land. Invasive species are the number one concern for managers of wilderness areas. Why would anyone expect anything different for that is the only activity going on in a wilderness designated area! I see more and more bulletins about this forest or that desert or river being overrun by agent invasive species this or that. Seems the modern world is over filled with things that do not belong there. Has anyone ever heard of the survival of the fittest? Pristine wilderness is one big joke! Even the very oldest of the designated wilderness areas are overrun with some type of species that clouds the "pristine" view. Come on, wake up, it's not going to stay the same way Columbus, Clark and Powell found it! Nor will an act of Congress make Mother Nature change her ways. The only result of the wilderness designation is to deny millions the joy of access and management assistance for these areas. Once a wilderness designated, forever a worthless area. Why do the wilderness activist not tell all about the currently designated wilderness? Is it because most of these areas have burned or changed into something none of us would prefer. Just remember Wilderness equals Worthless!
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